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The Most Efficient Condo Boards of All Time Do This-3823

A condominium is a community and, like all communities, some are run more smoothly and efficiently than others, and each is unique within itself. A condo is also a corporation and, like other corporations, is governed by a Board of Directors according to the corporation’s by-laws. In the case of condominiums here in Canada, governance is also required to conform to applicable provincial legislation.

Proper property management can be an important factor in the ongoing health of a condo community, and this property management comes from within the association in conjunction with a qualified property management company. If the property is managed with internal members there is more than likely to be a strong Board of Directors running the show. There’s no question that a well-run community owes a great deal of its operating success to a well-run Board of Directors. That is why Magnum York strives to create Condo Boards with communication and collaboration as its top priorities.


Board Efficiency is Key

Inasmuch as members within condominium communities all share common physical areas and a sometimes long list of common responsibilities and obligations, it’s important that the Association’s ruling body consist of individuals willing to dedicate their time and energies to the organization and maintenance of not only the rules and regulations but also the physical property itself.

The role of board member calls for taking on responsibilities that are best handled by those with a true desire to serve the building and its occupants. Diversity of occupation in board membership is also an important characteristic of a successful governing body, with each member bringing a unique perspective to the job, each with his/her own strengths and capabilities. Some, for example, may be more at home running association meetings while others may be most useful handling finances or dealing with the physical upkeep of common areas.

Common Characteristics of Successful Condo Boards

While each member of a condominium Board of Directors will have a unique personal perspective regarding how things should operate, it’s important for each individual to maintain an open mind to others’ ideas, even if contradictory to one’s own. Successful Condo Boards present a unified front, even those members not in agreement with something that’s been passed with a majority vote

Following is a listing of some of the other characteristics commonly found among successful Condo Boards.

  • Each member has an intimate knowledge of current by-laws as well as applicable provincial legislation.
  • Accurate written records are kept and organized for easy access to any association members requiring them. While the Secretary is officially responsible for the organization and securing of official records and meeting minutes, often the actual taking of minutes is delegated to someone specifically trained to take dictation.
  • A successful Board is well organized, communicative and fair-handed in their decision making. General Association meetings are kept interesting and on track, regardless of whether these gatherings are run according to semi-strict parliamentary-type rules or are much more open and informal. General membership meetings are an important venue for community members to be able to air their complaints. Member meetings are also when voting takes place or important information is shared..
  • Communication and cooperation are key to any board or association. A monthly newsletter is ideal for keeping members informed about the many things going on in the community that may directly affect them.

The Most Efficient Condo Boards

Signing on for the expert services provided by a quality, professional property management firm can go miles toward both improving the operation of your condo community and taking a load of direct responsibility off board members. Services include day-to-day management of all aspects of community requirements. They’ll also provide tips gained from their experience in running efficient meetings.


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